Wednesday 29 June 2011

Sickness, Workness, Tiredness

Well two sundays ago, my throat started hurting, like felt like swallowing needles, come Monday I'm full blown Sick!

AGAIN! - Keep in mind I JUST recovered from Norwok Virus like 10 days before that!!!

I had to work all week, sick as a dog! with no voice, because it's the week before a Race - and I handle all the logistics ...

Took two days off this weekend, and felt much better, like I healed from rest! and rest I did.

So went 10 days without exersise. Funny I didn't lose my apetite despite being sick! ugh ...

Went back to the gym Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday

This morning (Wednesday) was our first day back with the trainer in 10 days

50 box jumps
50 chin up (for me it's jump ups)
50 Lunges
50 Kettle Ball Swings
50 chest presses
50 leg cross overs

That was the first 30 minutes ... then we did some abs and stuff in 25's but MAN what a work out! The past two days I've stuck to cardio, 50 minutes, I burn over 400 calories! Just 30 minutes of running intervals, and 20 minutes of stair master hills! Feels great ... almost like I'm being cleansed

Tonight at 1130 PM I fly from Vancouver, BC to Halifax. I land in Halifax at 1030 am, and drive 10 hours to new Richmond Quebec for work, I'm SO EXCITED about that cuz my best friend Trish is coming out too!!!! Friday I'll be working 21 hours, Saturday I'll be working 15 hours. Sunday I get to come home thank god. But these race weekends really burn me out. Especially cuz I don't speak ANY FRENCH! I find it a bit more exhausting becuase of the strain of contantly trying to communicate with fans !

But I know 5 years down the road, when I'm not doing this anymore, I'll miss it. So I'll enjoy every minute I can :)

This pics makes me smile :)

Friday 17 June 2011

Not a Zen Post - Idiot FUCKING vancouver Riotters getting busted by the Dozen

I'm so angry about this riot. I'm so ANGRY that


Brock Anton

This last one .. personal favorite. On full scholarship at University of Calgary for the Water Polo Team - was also a hopeful to represent Canada at the 2012 Olympics. I'm VERY proud to report, he no longer has a scholarship, and is no longer being considered for the olympics. His life is fucking ruined, and I couldn't be happier about it, what a dumb fuck (still really angry about this all!) I can't wait to see what the judges will do in August- Hopefully split the bill of damages, insurance claims and clean up between all of them! Fucking assholes!

- this guy was arrested this morning

sorry if some are repeats, posting all the ones I see

This is the first guy I posted, the asian kid with the hockey stick VVV

Thursday 16 June 2011

1 month quit anniversary smoking, riots and working it out

been working my ass off at the gym, again zero lbs down, zero cm's lost... lol go figure. I'm doing Personal training at 545 am Wednesdays and Fridays ... High intense Spinning class 6 am Thursdays - Softball at least 4 nights a week - hiking and just being more active .. But I FEEL BETTER! so what can I say!

Vancouver rioted yesterday after we lost the stanley cup. .And my only comment on this is, for all those non vancouver-ites reading this. It was not NOT Hockey fans that rioted. It was a bunch of dumb fuckers who are males from 18 - 24 years of age that brought bandanas, and flame bombs to set off cars just to fuck everything up. It is SO DISGRACEFUL!

On a happy note, normal vancouverites went down after the riots, local residents and spent all night cleaning. I'm talking like, the lady that works at the post offce came down with rubber gloves and cleaning products from her house to clean up the mess the dumb fucks left behind. People were standing infront of store front windows that were smashed in not allowing people to loot it ... Despite a few pockets of dumb fucks - Good minded citizens did come to the rescue when needed.

That's all I'll say about that.

We might be getting a second car. A Truck for nicky. We both had shitty cars, and we sold them both then bought a new honda civic (well 2007 - new to us) but one car ain't cutting it right now. We love being together me and nicky, but we also have our own lives apart too! which is so healthy and nice I love it. Nick has to stay home when I go out to the city or someting, and vice versa for his volleyball and I have to stay home or find my own way around (I know I know two feet and a heart beat will do that, but I live in a small town!)

There have been cougar attacks (not the leggy kind, the furry kind) in the trails in Squamish - so I'm not hiking or running out doors anymore!!!!! FUCKING COUGARS! Scare the shitt out of me!

Lastly - I'm officially at
Your Quit Date is: 5/16/2011 5:30:00 PM
Time Smoke-Free: 30 days, 16 hours, 37 minutes and 9 seconds
Cigarettes NOT smoked: 522
Lifetime Saved: 3 days, 23 hours
Money Saved: $171.28

I mean can I get a FUCK YEAH!? dood ... happy 1 month to me! Monday was officially 4 weeks. But I guess yesterday was my 30 day quit?

It's getting eaiser. I miss it sometimes, just sitting on the patio with a beer having smoke after smoke - not to romantisize it, but it was pretty normal for me to do that. Now I just sit on the couch! haha ... And still only finding it really hard at work!

So yeah! After 3 months I"ll concider myself a non-smoker. but I'm fucking rocking this quit!

Tuesday 14 June 2011

3 days of rest

Not that it's been intentional. Put it down as lazy maybe?  But I haven't worked out since Friday - Tonight however, I have a double header in softball, yeah it might not be intense like running or spinning, but two games back to back proves to burn over 600 calories! So I'll take it. Got my trainer early tomorrow morning so It'll all balance out Im sure.

This weekend though, I had a sweet tooth! I never eat sweets, I prefer salty flavors over sweet stuff! But I munched, and actually felt bad ... due to lack of exersise.

Yesterday was my one month of quitting smoking. Wow ... I never thought in a million years I could quit smoking! But I did it! and I'm doing it, and I'm staying quit. At times it's been VERY VERY HARD but other times, too easy for a pack-a-day-smoker of 17 years!  ... I'm proud though, hubby is proud, and life keeps on ticking!

Friday 10 June 2011

Friday - A Bit Achy! But feeling good

Tuesday was the only day I didn't wake up at 545 to go to the gym this week, and it was the only day I was tired all day at work!

Yeah it's a pain to wake up that early, each morning I'd rather sleep, but by the time I wash my face and Brush my Teeth - I'm good to go. I'm noticing a lot more definition in my upper body. And I think it really turns nick on! He was all revving to go this morning when we got back ... it was cute. He's such a great supportive husband. Even as a little girl I couldn't dream up a more amazing man.

Monday - Cardio
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday - Personal Trainer
Thursday - Spinning
Friday - Personal Trainer

Today was hard, probably because I'm so sore! But I only burned 230 calories? Odd ... maybe my heart rate monitor is out, I should do the fitness test and Resting Heart Rate again...

Last night, I saw BRIDESMAIDS ... if you haven't seen it yet (not that I've had any visits to this page or anything) You HAVE TO! It's the funniest movie I've EVER seen

Weigh in Monday. But I know how this goes. I'm gaining muscle so chances are weight loss is not going to be happening for a while. But I feel good!

Thursday 9 June 2011

Spinning, and other ramblings

This morning I had my first spin class of Summer- 6-7 am. There were about 10 other ladies in the class. MAN WAS IT HARD! And I mean a challenge!  for me anyways. Heart Rate Monitor said I burned 440 cals. Which to me seems low, but I guess there's room for improvement as far as fat burning goes!

We did a few hills, then speed intervals. The speed intervals really hurt my right knee! doesn't feel so bad now, but when I was doing it it was hurting. And I'm doing in spinning in lieu of running cuz of injuries! lol

Tonight I'm having a ladies night, movie and a dinner. We're eating at Boston Pizza (Discovered the Chicken Cannelonni ain't that bad! 520 cals and 11 g's of fat :) ) so I'll still be under my calories today! at 1530 - which seems hight. But my goal is to lose weight slowly but surely, not a crash faze to get in a bikini. Fuck bikinis!

I feel so good right now,  Just that I'm working towards my goals makes me as happy as if I'd lost 10 lbs!

movie: The Bridesmaids. My trainer saw it the other night and said it was hilarious! :) Will check it out

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Hiring a Personal Trainer - I recommend it!

I decided to go with my trainer again. Every year, for about 5 months, a year, my husband and I hire a trainer twice a week - Mondays and Fridays for 545 - 645 AM ... She not only helps us work out, and not get bored or into a routine. But also motivates us to keep active the rest of the week! :)

This morning we had her, and it was 'easier' in a sense where our heart rate wasn't through the roof! BUT It was harder because it was long sets of as many reps as possible in 1 minute - crossfit styles.

In the 4 weeks we've hired her, I've already dropped 6 lbs,  - not noticable in my clothing or anything, but I see definition in my arms again, so it's working.

Thursday mornings I have spinning from 6- 7 am! What a way to blast calories! about 600-800 per class! (I wear an awesome heart rate monitor! (Polar FT60)

Goal is on track so far. Still consuming over 1400 Cals per day though! - I think I will have to play around with types of food to eat. I think I may need to find more foods that are low cal, but more filling. I just eat too much!

I'm Serenifly on if you want to scoop out my diary and see what I'm doing wrong!

Tuesday 7 June 2011

First Pots - First Blog

Hi, Danielle here, Known on the web as SERENIFLY - Double points if you can guess my screen names' origin!

I never had a blog before, unless facebook counts? - I read someones blog today that not only did I think was entertaining and interesting, but inspiring. She was logging her weightloss and stats, her eating habbits, and transformation. And I thought, wow, we're on the same journey! I wish I had this kind of documentation to look back on when I reach my goals!

So that's what I'm dedicating my blog to, a place to set my goals for the week, the summary of how it has went, and to have something to look back on, hopefully years down the road, when goals have been reached.

I know chances are no one will ever read this. Which is fine by me.

A bit about me: As of June 7, 2011 I am 28 years old. Have been married to a WONDERFUL kiwi husband, Nick, for 8 glorious months. We just bought our first home, and new car. We are considered DINKS
Double Income, No Kids - aka 'Living the life'

Stats are:

142 lbs
26 BMI
Chest 38 "
Waist 32"
Hips 39.5 "

Goals for the week

1) Exersise 4 hours from Monday - Monday
2) Drink 6 glasses of water a day
3) Eat half the meat I normally do (Cut steak in half when serving! Or before I cook it)

Check in soon! ... danielle

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